Tell me, what is it you plan to do

with your one wild and precious life?

Mary Oliver

We often tread this life too cautiously out of fear of failure. Or we’ve already failed. Anxiety, depression, addiction, confusion, failed relationships and the like are loud & blaring alarms of something much deeper within - shame. We’ve lost hold of our true identity. We have a hard time lifting our head up out of the muck in order to find healing to truly live.

We need someone to journey with us, to witness, to bare the load, and to give courage when it is lacking.

The root word of courage is cor from the latin word heart. Courage is not the absence of all fear, but choosing to live from the heart.




I would love to get to know you.

To see you recover the courage, and ultimately your heart, to live from the depths of your truest self.

Courage in its earliest definition meant “to speak one’s mind by telling all of one’s heart.”
— Brene Brown

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Ready to take the next step into greater freedom? Finding a therapist is really about finding a relationship with someone who can be fully present to you. Step headlong into the fullness of who you are.